
Body image. 2010; 22:55–71. A handbook of theory, hricht F. Body oriented psychotherapy–the state of the art in empirical research and, Bhatnagar KA, Wisniewski L, Solomon M, Heinberg L. Effectiveness and feasibility of a cognitive-, Danielsen M, Ro O. 1992; 112:155–9. (Model 2), the revised 31-item model showed a better fit in all fit measures. 0.50), with the exception of medium differences between women and men on the subscale sexual fulfillment (d = 0.60) and between the younger and older age group on the subscale self-aggrandizement (d = 0.70). Factor scores improved after therapy. No, Is the Subject Area "Sexual and gender issues" applicable to this article? to measure sexual functioning in patients using antipsychotics. Hu and Bentler (1999) proposed a more rigorous approach to evaluating decision rules based on GOF indexes and, on this basis, proposed new and more stringent cutoff values for many indexes. ... read more The Dresden Body Image Questionnaire (DBIQ) targets a broad range of body related aspects and measures body acceptance, vitality, physical contact, sexual fulfillment and self-aggrandizement. Byrne BM. Contrary to gender differences, age effects on body image are still poorly researched [31, 36]. The overall impression is that body image is affected in a diverse range of mental health problems. Of the respondents included via, students in the first course (sample 1 in, ‘comfort in touch’ of the Body Investment Scale (BIS) [, the students in the second course (sample 2) also completed the Outcome Questionnaire (OQ-, sample 2 completed the DBIQ-NL a second time after 14 days. It may be concluded that the DBIQ has potential surplus value in the field of body image since it covers a broad range of body image dimensions and includes important dimensions such as touch and sexuality that are not well represented in other measures of body image. The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) [57], Dutch version [58], is a brief 10-item measure of global self-esteem that evaluates one’s overall feelings of self-worth using a 4-point scale (1 = strongly disagree, 4 = strongly agree)., .81. sis. 2014; 51:383–9. 2009; 14:85–92. Pearson’s r between the DBIQ-NL and Body Cathexis Scale (BCS) correlated r = .60 (see Table 3). Mia Scheffers. lation (e.g. The review identifies effective techniques that could be deployed in future interventions. Experience-based therapies, such as art-, psychomotor- and physical therapy, focus more on less conscious processes and behavior. [34], which revealed higher loadings on the subscale self-aggrandizement for the item “I like showing my body” than on the original subscale. In order to establish construct validity we evaluated the association with a related construct, body cathexis, and with indices of self-esteem and psychological wellbeing. First, the five-factor model (without correlated errors) was estimated, using sample 1. The three essential changes with respect to Pöhlmann et al.’s [26] study, (1) translation of the items, (2) non-clinical samples, and (3) using a CFA model without correlated errors, were expected to lead to a decrease in model fit [67, 68]. In the present study a Cronbach’s α of .78 was found for the subscale ‘comfort in touch’. Modification indices can be used to adjust the model specification in order to improve model fit. A second option is to retain all items when the net impact of the differences on the total score is small [78]. PLoS ONE 12(7): In: Cash TF, Pru-, Thiel PP. dard deviations per sex and age group sample 1. Int J Eat Disord. Body size misperception is common amongst the general public and is a core component of eating disorders and related conditions. Results indicate that the DBIQ-NL is a reliable and valid instrument for non-clinical subjects. Writing – review & editing, Roles Confirmatory factor analysis and analyses of variance were performed. This model was fit to. Based on results from a Flemish version of the DBIQ in a students’ sample [34], it might be hypothesized that no gender differences exist with regard to physical contact. The CIS is an originally Dutch language 20-item self-report questionnaire capturing fatigue in four dimensions: subjective experience of fatigue (“I feel tired”), reduction in motivation (“I feel no desire to do anything”), reduction in activity (“I don’t do much during the day”) and reduction in concentration (“My thoughts easily wander”) and has been used in a broad range of groups: healthy subjects, diverse groups of working adults, people with chronic fatigue as well as people with multiple sclerosis [54]. We also expected moderate correlations of body, image total score with self-esteem and psychological well-being. Good construct validity was, found with moderate associations with body satisfaction (BCS) as expected since the DBIQ, aims to measure a broad concept of body image whereas in the BCS appearance-related issues, are prominent. Next, based on inspection of the modification indices of this model a five-factor model (Model 2) with item 33 (“I like showing my body”) loading on self-aggrandizement instead of body acceptance was evaluated. Patients generally have difficulty to acknowledge and understand bodily signals and to adapt their behavior accordingly. fatigue syndrome and healthy subjects. We consulted the Medical Ethics Review Committee of VU University about the study, and the committee waived the requirement for ethical approval. The MOOPV measures how often adolescents experience direct and indirect forms of offline and online peer victimization. a Dutch non-clinical sample. The DBIQ consists of 35 items and five subscales: body acceptance, sexual fulfillment, physical contact, vitality, and self-aggrandizement. This model was fit to Sample 1 and reported as Model 3 in Table 4. Fatigue among. 2014; 11:51–6. 2002; 52:205–13. Modification indices were inspected to detect possible improvements with respect to dimensionality. The new question-naire, which is the body weight, image and self-esteem evaluation questionnaire, will be referred to Confirmatory factor analyses showed a structure in accordance with the original scale, where model fit was improved significantly by moving one item to another subscale. diabetes. Changes in body image during inpatient treatment for eating disorders predict out-,, Marco JH, Perpina C, Botella C. Effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy supported by virtual real-,, Rohricht F, Beyer W, Priebe S. [Disturbances of body-experience in acute anxiety, Aderka IM, Gutner CA, Lazarov A, Hermesh H, Hofmann SG, Marom S. Body image in social anxiety, Dyer A, Borgmann E, Kleindienst N, Feldmann RE Jr., Vocks S, Bohus M. Body image in patients with, Sack M, Boroske-Leiner K, Lahmann C. Association of nonsexual and sexual traumatizations with body, Wenninger K, Heiman JR. Krauss et al. S2 Table. Psychometric properties of the Dresden Body Image Questionnaire: A multiple-group confirmatory factor analysis across sex and age in a Dutch non-clinical sample. The three essential changes with respect to Po, model without correlated errors, were expected to lead to a decrease in model fit [, Because each type of index provides different information about model fit [, report a broad range of indices and also included standardized root mean square residual, (SRMR) and Tucker Lewis index (TLI), in addition to the CFI and RMSEA reported, represents the fit of the estimated covariance matrix to the populations covariance matrix [, It is regarded as one of the most informative fit indices due to its sensitivity to the number of, estimated parameters in the model and therefore favouring parsimonious models. This shows that body-related observations are feasible and indicates the viability of further development of the BROS. As part of the assessment of somatoform disorder, body drawings may provide complementary information to self-report questionnaires. Scores on the subscale body acceptance (with items 15 and 28 deleted) changed at most 0.04 points. I am looking for females aged between 13 to 18 to take part and it will take you approximately 5 minutes to complete. However, this instrument is specifically developed for measuring body attitude in anorexic women. Discover a faster, simpler path to publishing in a high-quality journal. A second option is to retain all items when the net impact of the differences on the total, the limited number of affected items, partial invariance only slightly affects the differences. [, higher loadings on the subscale self-aggrandizement for the item “I like showing my body”, than on the original subscale. esteem Scale. Søg efter jobs der relaterer sig til Dresden body image questionnaire pdf, eller ansæt på verdens største freelance-markedsplads med 19m+ jobs. Inter-rater reliability was adequate to excellent for ten observer ratings and the art therapist ratings. for more information on distribution of age in the two sam-, The Dresden Body Image Questionnaire (DBIQ), ) with positively and negatively worded items (reversely, . Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, School of Human Movement and Education, Zwolle. The importance of the dimensions physical contact and sexuality is largely unknown, although they are often mentioned by patients as problematic [28, 29]. Marilou Bruchon-Schweitzer. Copyright: © 2017 Scheffers et al. This is in line with recent studies [48, 49] stressing the importance of describing the body in functional terms. Next to the technical identification of these differing items, there are arguments from a qualitative perspective as to why these items differ across groups. Struct Equation Model. The DBIQ, consisting of 35 items, does not cover all aspects that form part of the umbrella term body image, but focuses on thoughts, beliefs, and conceptual aspects of patient’s body experiences in five different domains: body acceptance, sexual fulfillment, the evaluation of physical contact, experienced vitality, and self-aggrandizement, a measure of how the body is actively used in social interactions to enhance self-esteem. The correlations between the measures that were used for construct validation and the DBIQ-NL were recalculated (see Table 3) after the DBIQ-NL was revised on the basis of the CFA, as reported in the following section. J Clin Psy-. Een jaarverslag waarin u kunt lezen over onderzoeken en verbeteren van en samenwerken in de geestelijke gezondheidszorg in Noordoost-Nederland. Investigation, Correlations were calculated using the five-factor model identical to the original German version (Model 1). The Body Cathexis Scale: Reliability, Orlandi E, Covezzi R, Galeazzi GM, Guaraldi GP. term seems to suggest, not only the way we evaluate our appearance is part of our body image, but also our attitude towards bodily experiences in interaction with others, sense of body own-, body image have impact on psychosocial functioning [, with poorer psychological adjustment in non-clinical samples [, body image has also been reported in a broad range of psychiatric disorders [, body image in eating disordered female patients has been extensively researched, associated with negative or disturbed body image. Total mean scores were hardly influenced by deleting items 15, 19, 28, and 30 with changes of less than 0.02 in size. are constrained (2aC) a considerable loss of model fit is found. Methodology, The CIS is an originally Dutch language 20-item self-report questionnaire captur-, ing fatigue in four dimensions: subjective experience of fatigue (“I feel tired”), reduction in, motivation (“I feel no desire to do anything”), reduction in activity (“I don’t do much during, the day”) and reduction in concentration (“My thoughts easily wander”) and has been used, in a broad range of groups: healthy subjects, diverse groups of working adults, people with, chronic fatigue as well as people with multiple sclerosis [, a CIS total score can be calculated. Writing – original draft, 2001 Jan;37(2):189-97 (PubMed Abstract) It also examined differences within the somatoform disorder group between men and women and between the diagnostic subgroups conversion disorder, pain disorder and undifferentiated somatoform disorder. The importance of any violation of factorial invariance should be judged in relation to the intended use of the measure in practice [78] and may also be dependent on the number of affected items. For item 15, the younger age group scores higher on average, whereas for item 28, the older age group scores higher. J Consult Psychol. Data were obtained from two samples with a total of 988 (sample 1, n = 761; sample 2, n = 227) respondents between 18 and 65 years old, consisting of 583 (433; 150) women and 403 (326; 77) men (sex was unknown for two respondents). The Outcome Questionnaire (OQ-45) [60] is a 45-item scale measuring three domains of psychological well-being: subjective discomfort (“I feel no interest in things”), interpersonal relations (“I am satisfied with my relationships with others”), and social role performance (“I feel that I am doing well at work/school”). A study on 505 students (, The Dutch translation of the DBIQ (DBIQ-NL, see, tion. Correlation between, DBIQ-NL and the Outcome Questionnaire (OQ-45) was -.51. We investigated the subscales' internal consistency and test-retest reliability. As the BCS does not include items on vitality the Checklist Individual Strength (CIS) [53] was used to establish the construct validity of this subscale of the DBIQ. Relationships between men’s and women’s body image and their psychologi-, Tylka TL, Wood-Barcalow NL. The main objective of the present study was to evaluate the psychometric, properties of the Dutch translation of the Dresden Body Image Questionnaire (DBIQ-NL) in, The psychometric properties of the DBIQ-NL were examined in a non-clinical sample of 988, respondents aged between 18 and 65. The present study compared differences in body image between patients with somatoform disorder and respondents from a general population sample. non-clinical sample enables further investigation of specific aspects of body image in middle-. De psychometrische kenmerken van de Nederlandstalige, Vanwesenbeeck I, Bakker F, Gesell S. Sexual health in the Netherlands: Main results. Recommendations. Int J Sex Health. The SRMR (Standardised Root Mean square Residual) is the. ] Tijdschrift voor vaktherapie. Both factors correlated with the art therapists’ rating (Spearman’s ρ = −0.53 and ρ = −0.36) but not with DBIQ-35 scales. Body acceptance and sexual fulfillment were the most differentiating aspects of body image between diagnoses. Yes Psychother Psychosom Med Psychol. Body acceptance and sexual fulfillment were the most differentiating aspects of body image between diagnoses. Therefore, factor loadings can be considered as invari-, ant across sex. with the purpose of computing norm scores). Cronbach’s α in the present study was .90. and multidimensionality in an exercise setting. Body image is a major determi-. Adaptation of the model based on inspection of the modification indices led to improvement of model fit. The model selection was performed by testing invariance by the Scaled Difference in Chi-Squares (SDCS) test [75] for nested models estimated with MLR. Soc Clin Psychol. Differences were in the same direction, with men scoring higher than women and the younger age group scoring higher than the older age group. Writing – original draft, Body Cathexis Scale. Moreover, the work done by the developers of the original scale [, extended by evaluating the equivalence of the measurement model across sex and age. This is indeed the case in the present non-clinical sample. DBIQ-NL and Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (RSES) showed a correlation of r = .44. Invariance is a prerequisite for individual and group compari-. setting cutoff values for fit indexes and dangers in overgeneralising Hu & Bentler (1999) findings. The subscale physical contact of the BIS comprises of six items with statements like “I enjoy physical contact with other people”. Multiple, RJ, Wiersma D, Schoevers RA, van Busschbach JT, (2017) Psychometric properties of the Dresden, Body Image Questionnaire: A multiple-group, confirmatory factor analysis across sex and age in. In items 19 and 30, differing across sex, being touched by others is the central issue. We would like to thank Anne Boomsma for his valuable advice on the data analysis. Confirmatory factor analysis and analyses of variance were performed. The DBIQ-35 (Pohlmann, Roth, Brahler, and Joraschky, 2014; ... Higher subscale scores indicate a more positive body experience. The Dresden Body Image Questionnaire (DBIQ) [26, 27] is a 35-item scale (see Table 1) with positively and negatively worded items (reversely coded) that consists of five subscales: body acceptance (e.g., “I wish I had a different body”), vitality (e.g., “I am physically fit”), physical contact (e.g., “I do not like people touching me”), sexual fulfillment (e.g., “I am very satisfied with my sexual experiences“), and self-aggrandizement (e.g., “I use my body to attract attention”). Higher scores indicate a more positive body, ], the “Fragebogen zur Bewertung des eigenen Ko, rperbildfragebogen (DKB-35), original version in German; for Dutch version, see, = .65 (body acceptance and vitality), indicating the overlap between the, ], somewhat different from the translation presently used, reported Cronbach’s, for the subscales between .77 and .90. Resources, Invariance across sex in item 15 (“I choose, clothing that hides the shape of my body”) could be explained by the fact that for men, in con-, trast to women, clothing is not a well-known strategy to camouflage less accepted parts of the, related cultural differences with regard to showing the body. For six participants, no total scores were available. Complete descriptives for all items used for the CFA are provided in S2 Table. Aspects of body image have impact on psychosocial functioning [5, 6] and its disturbances are associated with poorer psychological adjustment in non-clinical samples [7–10]. Differences between pre-treatment and post-treatment scores were studied with paired t -tests. As can be seen with respect to sex as grouping variable, constraining the factor loadings to be equal across groups (2sB) is accompanied by only a slight decrease in CFI and a non-significant increase in chi square. The main objective of the present study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Dutch translation of the Dresden Body Image Questionnaire (DBIQ-NL) in a non-clinical sample. Gender differences with respect to specific issues such as physical contact and sexual fulfillment, represented by separate subscales in the DBIQ, also were deemed worth investigating. In this way consent was secured when participants completed the questionnaire and no formal informed consent was necessary. Correlations between DBIQ-NL and BCS were notably higher for men than for women. 1996; 53:642–9. Furthermore, high correla-, tions are expected between the subscale ‘vitality’ of the DBIQ-NL and fatigue as measured with, the CIS and between the ‘physical contact’ subscale of the DBIQ-NL and the comfort in touch, The factorial structure of the translated version was tested by confirmatory factor analysis, (CFA). Mia Scheffers, Marijtje A. J. van Duijn, Durk Wiersma, Robert A. Scho-. However, this concept has not been defined adequately and suitable assessment instruments are needed in order to be able to refer patients to appropriate treatment and to evaluate treatment effects. 1996; 3:249–58. Analyses were conducted with Mplus Version 5.1 [64], using the robust full-information maximum likelihood (MLR) estimator to correct for the skew distribution of several items and missing item responses [65]. nomenon is still scarce in most psychiatric disorders. spectively. Body Image. DBIQ-NL and Rosenberg Self-, esteem Scale (RSES) showed a correlation of, direction and of medium to large size. investigation of Swedish girls and boys. Research shows that women are generally more preoccupied, ]. In view of the lack of instruments, in Dutch measuring body image as a broad concept, we set out to make an instrument avail-, able that reflects the multidimensional character of this construct, sions than physical appearance. just met the often used threshold of 0.90. Relating body image to psychological and sexual functioning in child sexual, Anderson BL, Legrand J. Information about the aim of the study and the voluntary and anonymous nature of participation was given before participants entered the study. To assess body-relatedness, standardized observation by a physical therapist may add valuable information to questionnaires. Jerome Gilliard. The, factor structure of the DBIQ-NL was examined via confirmatory factor analysis (CFA).Explo-, ration of differences regarding gender and age formed the second objective of our study, since, both factors are known to affect body image. Effect sizes were meta-analysed and moderator analyses were conducted. Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, School of Human Movement and Education, Zwolle, The Netherlands, Objective: Heart transplantation (HT) obviously affects body image and integrity. Validation. The BIS has adequate psychometric, of the DBIQ. Methods: [26]. Differences were in the same direction, with men scoring higher than women and, ]. Correlations between the subscales varied between, = .59. The validity and reliability of the Dutch version are satisfactory [59]. Body Image. invariance. Gender differences in body image have received considerable attention [30–32]. Participants completed all questionnaires without personal details through a secured online system and with all materials removed from this system after completing the data collection; data analysis was done anonymously. Voorwoord Beste Lezer! In view of the sufficiently large sample size and focus on, ] study, (1) translation of the items, (2) non-clinical samples, and (3) using a CFA, ]. e0181908. 2003; 8:23–74. Data curation, PMID: people: validity of a questionnaire measure. for more information on distribution of age in the two samples). Invariance across sex in item 15 (“I choose clothing that hides the shape of my body”) could be explained by the fact that for men, in contrast to women, clothing is not a well-known strategy to camouflage less accepted parts of the body [81]. Body image in an interpersonal context: Adult attachment, fear of inti-, Alleva JM, Sheeran P, Webb TL, Martijn C, Miles E. A Meta-Analytic Review of Stand-Alone Interven-, Gillen MM. Some items suggest interesting patterns. = root mean square error of approximation; = standardized root mean square residual; . We would like to thank Anne Boomsma for his valuable advice on the data analysis. A higher score indicates more fatigue. Applicability of this subscale still needs to be evaluated. Objective Body Image in Obese Women Before, During, and after Weight Loss Treatment, Development and validation of the Multidimensional Offline and Online Peer Victimization Scale. In: Eye Av, Clogg CC, editors. and older, based on visual inspection (sample 1: ples). Struct. The four-factor structure of the MOOPV was confirmed using exploratory (n = 325) and confirmatory factor analyses (n = 799) among adolescents aged 9–18 years. The equal item intercepts hypothesis, implying factorial invariance, however, was not supported for all subscales across sex and age. Partial invariance of certain items signals qualitative group differences that render exact between-group comparisons with respect to subscales including these items possibly less meaningful. Inspection of size and consistency of factor loadings were, performed to further evaluate model fit [, This sequential model estimation procedure to study measurement invariance is used since, lack of strong factorial invariance will contaminate estimates of group mean differences [, It is widely acknowledged however, that the requirement of strong factorial invariance may be, too strict and unrealistic a goal for group comparisons. Many of their misspecified models resulted in a fit that should have been deemed acceptable according to even their new, more demanding criteria. Med Care. Associations between positive body image and indicators of men’s and women’s mental and,, Jarry JL, Berardi K. Characteristics and effectiveness of stand-alone body image treatments: a review,, Woertman L, van den Brink F. Body image and female sexual functioning and behavior: a review. Percept, Ward TE, McKeonwn BC, Mayhew JL, Jackson AW, Piper FC. Note that all (sub-)scale scores are calculated as average scores, which are unweighted and therefore not affected by (changes in) factor loadings. Measures of body dysmorphic disorder symptoms have received little psychometric evaluation in adolescent samples. undergone These further evaluations should also pay atten-. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 2002. The correlation between the full and reduced sub-scale was .96. The study provides evidence for medium to strong associations in clinically depressed patients between body attitude, body satisfaction and depression. ders—neuroticism or somatization?]. among different age groups, a score without the items violating invariance could be relevant. Multiple Sclerosis: Epidemiology and quality of life. Questionnaire showed clear differences in body image, and three techniques were associated a! Mg, Wagenborg JEA, Spinhoven P, Borkenhagen a, Nederkoorn C. body, and... 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