
Also i have some knowledge of python already actually from a class i took because I originally and I like it actually and the programming class here teaches Data Structures buuuuuut its not the best instructor . If you think you can contribute, by all means do so! Students will be directed to consider a Second Baccalaureate program in Computer Science, CSE, Informatics or Software Engineering. An honours year in either economics or computer science is possible for high-achieving students following completion of the double degree. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. My recommended languages for computational economics are python, Julia and C++. You also want some CS under your belt. Hons.B.A. ... (psychology), cognitive systems, computer science, geographical sciences (geography), mathematics, mathematical sciences, mathematics and economics, and statistics and economics. There are plenty of areas where you can contribute with computational models. Starting in the fall of 2017, the two academic departments will offer a joint major — Course 6-14: Computer Science, Economics, and Data Science — because elements of … My biggest concern has been and still is keeping my options open for the future but this seems to be the best option. Sometimes a specialization "is not enough", and the student might want to graduate with another major (besides CS major). The content in Matt Jackson's economic networks course is solid, but I find him a very dry lecturer. Many companies provide software to do things like simulate traffic flow, or predict supply and demand in areas, etc. Electrical Engineering, Operations Research, Mathematics, Linguistics, and Econom… Also because I love both disciplines , I considered the minor and thas just more focused on the programming aspect and not the science and engineering which is the most valuable. For example, I now maintain a simulation toolbox for matching markets there. All of this takes years to learn. Also learn a bit of software engineering. Students interested in pursuing a career in Computer Science, complemented with foundation business skills and knowledge from an Economics degree. A new joint major in computer science and economics will offer Yale undergraduates hands-on research opportunities and prepare them to leave their mark on the world’s digital economy. I am sophomore in college and 19 and I am a Business Economics major. What that model does is simulate markets where you need to make matches without money (think organ transplants). By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Grades of 4 or 5 on high-school AP computer science, statistics, calculus, microeconomics, and macroeconomics signal adequate preparation for required courses in the CSEC major. The B.A. I heartily endorse taking business classes in your undergraduate years, whether or not you go for a double major or an MBA. If you love hardcore math, spectral graph theory could be of interest. I thought a double major between computer science and economics would satisfy my interests but I wasn't entirely sure what I could do with it. One other thing you generally want to be knowledgeable of is graph theory. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Some majors (e.g., Biology) require that you graduate within four years regardless of single or double majors. Job and career prospects. Its actually really hard to find accurate information . Perfect, you have the right age to get a leg up. that are very much beneficial to society. I am not sure what I want to do after school.


I have some interest in the possibility of going to law school. Good news, there are plenty! Economics has been classically defined as ?the study of people in the ordinary business of life.? A lot of the introductory courses inter-lap and neither major has that difficult of a schedule. Hey guys I am currently attending Rutgers New Brunswick and am interested in double majoring in Computer Science [B.S] and Economics [B.S]. Joint Major in Economics/Computer Science (22 Courses) Computer Science Requirements (9) CSCI-UA.0101 Introduction to Computer Science (FA/SP) prereq: CSCI-UA.0002 or departmental permission; CSCI-UA.0102 Data Structures (FA/SP) prereq: CSCI-UA.0101 The best first use of your time is to learn algorithms, and the best way to do that is the algorithms courses on coursera. Don't be shy to email them. Honours Economics and Computer Science This program provides the students with a solid foundation in computer science and exposure to the field of economics thereby opening up major opportunities for economist with a programming background. How do I spend time this week? Economics is a smart choice as a second major because it prepares students to apply the skills from their first major to … For example, I now maintain a simulation toolbox for matching markets there. Would I be better off majoring in economics and minoring in political science if law school is my ultimate goal?


Is a double major in computer science and economics something that would set me apart from a lot of other candidates when it comes to jobs?

I've been contemplating a double major between Economics and Computer Science for the past few months. As long as I manage my time well I see no problem in completing it in 4 years.


Actually, if you do go to law school, the CS background may help you if you choose to go into intellectual property law (at least when dealing with intellectual property issues in the CS realm).

, Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, Double Major in Economics and Computer Science. And I am considering a Phd but not till much later, my school has Computational Engineering Masters Program actually . Now that want has increased, I am looking into the field of Computational Economics. Generally, it is 60 credit hours of GEC, 30 hours for major courses, and another 30 hours for electives (total of 120). Students who pursue a double major in economics and political science will be aware of the relationship between political policy and the economy as well … Life, for all of us, involves dealing with a never-ending series of choices and questions. Law school is certainly an option I'm still open to but the current economic climate is concerning when it comes to finding a job.


The course load doesn't seem to be nearly as bad as I thought it would. advanced computing techniques such as machine learning and other algorithmic solutions Therefore, students must complete (A) an alternative course to fulfil the Capabilities (Modes of Thinking) basket requirement of the Core Curriculum or (B) an extra Data Science and Analytics Second Major Elective. Major in Music is available as a second major for a B.Sc. I just checked my school and the workload isn't that heavy here either.


The more and more I think about the more I'm leaning towards double majoring in economics and computer science. My main goal is combining my Law , computational economics , and politics to help and influence policy as well as creat my own businesses . To go specifically into this question, for Economics (NOT Business) and Computer Science, you're going to find a lot of schools with that as an available double major. The first thing is that you're always going to have to learn on your own. Note that most economists are still using stata and matlab, and I find these languages will not teach you sufficiently the computational aspect of computational economics. I am sophomore in college and 19 and I am a Business Economics major. A double major in economics and computer science should be your path if you find that is what interests you and you want to use principles and knowledge from both to further your career and/or academics. Don't go crazy, there are plenty of harmful dogmas in software engineering, but understand interfaces, good design principles, functional and object oriented programming. It allows for maximum flexibility while teaching you a great deal of hard skills and how to be a better thinker.


Double Major in Economics and Computer Science? Honestly if you did that I don't think you would have to worry about getting a job too much. I'm more interested in the economics field when it comes to jobs so would computer science help me out in the economics field or would I be better off concentrating on economics and minoring in computer science? Both computer science and economics seem to have great career opportunities which is encouraging. Prerequisite to this major is basic understanding of computer programming, discrete math, calculus, and economics. In planning a specialization in area X, it helps to be familiar with the requirements for a major in X. CS Majors are required to take a three-course Specialization. Beginning in the fall of 2019, students can pursue the Computer Science and Economics (CSEC) interdepartmental major and explore the practical and theoretical connections between the two disciplines while developing a skillset highly prized by research universities; tech behemoths like Google, Facebook, and Amazon; and any number of other industries. How would economics and computer science prepare me for law school? Through research , practical , political means . Ok, now you want to find cool stuff to do. So what would with my plan to incorporate all of these disciplines ; what would seem most practical . Thank you so much for your advice . Go through the part 1 lectures. Generally, you want to be at a level eventually where you can say when people over-engineer or under-engineer software (it'll come with the years). The other advantage is that it's always extremely employable in the private sector, and not necessarily in "sell your soul to finance" areas. Double majoring should not take you any longer than 4 years because that 2nd major (normally 30 credits) would be filled into the "electives" portion of your first major. They are going to have data that is messier than you think, and even if it were perfect, policy administrators are more interested in accurately enforcing policy than projecting optimal policy. However, the general definition of double major is simply two college majors within one college degree. It relies on the construction, analysis, and interpretation of abstract models as well as on the confrontation of theoretical conclusions with empirical data coming from the field or from controlled experiments. Instead, they must complete basic training in computer science and at least two data science courses in the Department of Economics. The program in economics can be divided into five component parts: Fundamentals: provides students with the basic skills required to be successful in the major. DOUBLE DEGREES SMU students can choose to graduate with a double degree by combining their discipline with either Accountancy, Business Management, Computer Science 1, Economics, Information Systems 1, Law 2 or Social Sciences disciplines. The Mathematics and Computer Science double major provides a scientific and practical approach to computation and its applications. Who is this degree for? Mechanism design is one. When they say "read this thing", go read what they linked. I don't want to graduate and be stuck in a very specific field without much flexibility.


Law school requires no specific undergraduate major or courses. So would you agree that a double major and even maybe getting my JD after a few years of work and I understand things better . At the beginning I always wanted to double major in Economics and Computer Science . Quant-Econ is the open source project I like to promote computational economics. The School of Computing offers direct admissions for its undergraduates to pursue a double major with another faculty/within the school. Quant-Econ has great tutorials for scientific computing, and starts from scratch. Get /u/VodkaHaze in here, he works somewhat in this space and can probably give you great advice. It really depends on the individual school.


^Actually you're right. Matt Jackson's work (I linked his course above) on economic networks can be greatly expanded. The Mathematics & Economics track of the Bachelor Program offers a scientific approach to economics.. Students may also obtain a degree with a double major in Economics and another field: mathematics, computer science, etc. A grade of C or better must be attained in at least six of the seven major courses numbered above ECON 101.For majors in the department’s honors program, the minimum is eight economics courses rather than seven courses in addition to ECON 101.The same provisions apply, except that ECON 691H and ECON 692H must constitute two of the eight courses. For their second and third years, students choose between three double majors. A good place to start is to learn python. For example, a student might double major in psychology and a foreign language, but graduate with one bachelor’s degree. Now that want has increased, I am looking into the field of Computational Economics. Economics is not the major many people think it is: it does not stop as intro to micro and macro. This track offers students the opportunity to study the theory, experimentation and engineering that form the basis of the design and use of today’s computers.

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