
Such experience can be asked about in assessment (in addition to the content of verbal thoughts) (Di Simplicio et al., 2012). NICE2014 recommends that “Diagnosis of bipolar disorder in children or young people should be made only after a period of intensive, prospective longitudinal monitoring by a healthcare professional or multidisciplinary team trained and experienced in the assessment, diagnosis and management of bipolar disorder in children and young people, and in collaboration with the child or young person’s parents or carers”. The most important drug interactions are with diuretics, ACE inhibitors and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Trials should not second guess what patients want, Use of psychotropic medications in breast-feeding women: Acute and prophylactic treatment, Risk of developing diabetes mellitus and hyperlipidemia among patients with bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, and schizophrenia: A 10-year nationwide population-based prospective cohort study, Obstetric complications and affective psychoses. Use of other options will represent extrapolation from oral efficacy or class effect of dopamine antagonists/partial agonists and clinical experience (IV). A secondary analysis suggested that patients earlier in their illness course were slightly more likely to show benefit – as for psychoeducation (see below). Bipolar Disorder Clinical Trials. This may imply that compared with unipolar patients, bipolar patients are simply more difficult to treat, but an equally plausible interpretation would be that antidepressants are less effective in the bipolar group (Goodwin, 2012). The efficacy of lamotrigine has been uncertain for acute bipolar depression. Drug discontinuation should be planned in relation to the need for long-term maintenance treatment (S). Monitoring is less important than clinical vigilance for potentially serious adverse reactions (see below). According to an analysis for the charity MQ, funding for research on bipolar disorder has been about one-third that for schizophrenia in the decade to 2013 ( Rates of violent crime in male patients were 8% and, for non-violent crime, 18% in one population cohort study, with most of these patients committing their crimes within 5 years of diagnosis (Webb et al., 2014). Discontinue ineffective treatments to avoid unnecessary polypharmacy (S). Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, in this case, of short-term benefit (see also below). Table 6. Poorer social and occupational functioning, an episode in the last 2 years, history of rapid cycling and the caregiver being responsible for medication intake explained a quarter of the variance of the subjective burden (Reinares et al., 2006). Public Health England suggest that up to 14 units of alcohol per week for men and women represents lower risk drinking levels (excess mortality <1%). Clearly, lack of efficacy in large numbers of patients with more recurrent illness represents a challenge to understand the failure of existing approaches and an unmet need to develop better treatment approaches in the future. Contact us if you experience any difficulty logging in. Older patients, and others with reduced renal function, will require lower doses. This represents an effort to reduce over-diagnosis of bipolar disorder driven by subjective report, and increase specificity (Suppes et al., 2014). When considered, they should be co-prescribed with a drug for mania (e.g. For more information view the SAGE Journals Article Sharing page. Lithium in particular is sometimes difficult to use in exhausted, dehydrated patients. For adequate assessment, anxiety should be regularly monitored (in addition to the usual focus on depression and mania). Carbamazepine reduces the effectiveness of oral contraceptives by enzyme induction: double dosing of the oral contraceptive is one practical solution. The role of structured psychological treatment in the management of bipolar disorder remains at an experimental and exploratory level. Whether psychological interventions can be modified to be efficacious in patients with many previous episodes. See also section on treatment-resistant depression below. User groups can provide useful support and information about bipolar disorder and its treatment (IV). It will vary from patient to patient. The key symptoms that distinguish the borderline diagnosis are the pervasive presence of efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment, unstable and intense personal relationships, an unstable image of self and chronic feelings of emptiness. These differences result from different weights placed on the available evidence. (, Sato, T, Bottlender, R, Kleindienst, N. (, Saunders, KEA, Bilderbeck, AC, Price, J. These cultural factors may often divide clinical staff from patients. These putative subtypes are not identified by existing diagnostic criteria and hence are not distinguished in treatment studies. As a group they are more susceptible to adverse reactions, owing increased end-organ sensitivity, impaired circulation, and reduced hepatic and renal clearance. There is evidence that effective treatment of substance use can improve compliance and bipolar outcomes (Ib, (Salloum and Thase, 2000)). Mania, in particular, is a relative emergency because of the important personal and social consequences that result from the errors of judgement that are intrinsic to a highly elevated mood state. Most data are for a bipolar I illness course: it is often uncertain whether the treatment of bipolar II and particularly the other specified bipolar disorder cases with depression should be different from the treatment of unipolar cases. The central problem is that, whatever the intention, adherence to long-term treatment appears to be poor (Kessing et al., 2007). Is there an excess of significant findings in published studies of psychotherapy for depression? Lithium or valproate, if used in treatment of an acute manic episode, are potentially a rational choice for long-term continuation. Systematic comparison of data from clinical trials suggests that haloperidol, olanzapine, risperidone and quetiapine are particularly effective in short-term reduction of symptoms. Common adverse reactions to valproate include gastrointestinal pain, rises in hepatic aminotransferases, tremor, and sedation. In co-morbid patients both disorders may require treatment. The absence of early stage specificity has led to pioneering approaches to youth mental health services in Australia, where distress rather than a diagnostic criterion applies, and bipolar patients can, in principle, make appropriate access (McGorry et al., 2007). Discontinuation of an antidepressant should follow BAP recommendations for unipolar depression, but with a more rapid taper in rapid cycling patients (IV). For whom? Efforts are necessary to alert patients to the need both to maintain normal levels of exercise and moderate calorie intake. Such studies compare the effect of double-blind continuation of an active drug with its discontinuation to placebo. Indeed, up to 10% of individuals develop bipolar disorder over the age of 50, an increasing number as population longevity increases (Sajatovic, 2002). Notwithstanding such reservations, the diagnosis of (hypo)mania or sub-syndromal mood elevation may indeed often be missed in young adults. CBT and interpersonal social rhythm therapy (IPSRT)), which is a source of confusion. There is no basis for supposing antidepressant effects to be a class effect of anticonvulsant action. Lithium prevents relapse to mania and, less effectively, depression (I). Keywords: Bipolar disorder, depression, experimental treatments, mania, treatment-resistance. This employed a powerful within-individual, longitudinal design to determine relative risk, although patient numbers in the monotherapy group were small. It supports the recommendation that monotherapy with antidepressants is unwise in patients with bipolar I disorder. This needs to be established as early as possible in patients who present with severe illness. Following puberty, the familiar adult criteria can be used with increasing confidence (IV). Lists NIMH Science News about Bipolar Disorder. Overview. For more information view the SAGE Journals Sharing page. The BALANCE study showed that over 2 years valproate monotherapy was inferior to both lithium monotherapy and valproate/lithium combination in terms of total relapses (Geddes et al., 2010). Moreover, only 22 psychological treatment studies had been published by 2014 with an anxiety-related outcome measure in adults with bipolar disorders (Stratford et al., 2015). The risk across the life span has been documented in a series of studies for bipolar disorder specifically. Further, where randomized data and high-quality naturalistic data support the same the conclusions, then those findings are likely to be of particular validity and should clearly influence treatment recommendations. Like others (Kessing, 2015), we have been impressed by new observational data linking treatment exposures with clinical outcome. Much as this may always be desirable, it may be unnecessary if symptoms and history are obvious. The evidence from network meta-analysis of many RCTs is coherent and supports efficacy of a range of different medicines (I). The International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD) consensus on the use of antidepressants in bipolar patients highlighted the clinical consensus discouraging their use in patients with rapid cycling, depressive episodes with mixed features and as monotherapy (Pacchiarotti et al., 2013). Medically reviewed by Daniel B. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol. The email address and/or password entered does not match our records, please check and try again. Involvement of family members is clearly of most value in younger patients. Ziprasidone and cariprazine are not available in the UK. Background: Treatments for depression in bipolar disorder (BD) are far less well developed than for unipolar major depressive disorder. However, the study illustrates the population challenge because under 20% of patients started on lithium early remained without relapse at 10 years of follow-up. The Maudsley Bipolar Disorder Project: Executive dysfunction in bipolar disorder I and its clinical correlates, Two-year outcomes for interpersonal and social rhythm therapy in individuals with bipolar I disorder, Interpersonal and social rhythm therapy: Managing the chaos of bipolar disorder, Divalproex sodium treatment of women with borderline personality disorder and bipolar II disorder: A double-blind placebo-controlled pilot study, Bouncing back: Is the bipolar rebound phenomenon peculiar to lithium? There is a monotonic increase in the risk of alcohol-related death with higher levels of consumption. Cohort studies have shown that the risk increases to 11% in valproate-exposed babies (II, (Kaneko et al., 1999)), and 6% in those exposed to carbamazepine (II, (Rosa, 1991)), and these risks are usually unacceptable. Finally, if a patient has accepted treatment for several years and remains well, they should still be strongly advised to continue indefinitely, because the risks of relapse remain high. Secondly, in the presence of recognized bipolar disorder, co-morbid conditions may contribute to poor treatment response and outcome. Withdrawal reactions of this kind by definition immediately follow drug discontinuation and are relatively transient. In the UK, lithium is the main medicine used to treat bipolar disorder. This means it is one of the most heritable disorders in medicine. As discussed above, in youth prodromes the earliest symptoms may be anxiety (NICE2014, p. 91). Mania can develop extremely quickly and incur risks both for the patient and for others. Clinical diagnoses and relative risk of admission after parturition, Aripiprazole monotherapy in non-psychotic bipolar I depression, Efficacy of quetiapine monotherapy in bipolar I and II depression: A double-blind, placebo-controlled study (the BOLDER II study), Examining the efficacy of adjunctive aripiprazole in major depressive disorder: A pooled analysis of 2 studies, Electroconvulsive therapy – systematic review and meta-analysis of efficacy and safety in depressive disorders, Effect of prophylactic treatment on suicide risk in patients with major affective disorders. All such therapy recognizes as axiomatic the value of a highly collaborative therapeutic relationship with the patient. The use of ketamine and other glutamate receptor modulators has been the subject of a Cochrane review (McCloud et al, 2015). While the neurobiology of mania is still poorly understood, mania may be a hyperdopaminergic state appropriately treated by blockade of dopamine D2/3 receptors with antagonists or partial agonists. DSM-5 has dropped the category ‘mixed episode’ and introduced a new feature to the diagnosis of a primary manic, hypomanic or depressive episode: the mixed feature specifier. In addition, the availability of network meta-analysis of RCTs has given us the opportunity to re-think how to contextualize the quality of the evidence for an individual drug in the overall treatment strategy. This site uses cookies. The rate of adverse reactions attributable to maternal psychotropic medicines is most uncertain and depends on sporadic reports of, for example, toxicity due to lithium, hepatic dysfunction due to carbamazepine, and thrombocytopenia or anaemia attributed to valproate. This is intended to make diagnosis more reliable, but will thereby exclude individuals with purely subjective experiences of mood elevation from a bipolar II diagnosis. Patients with bipolar II disorder are at an increased risk of mood episodes in general (and during pregnancy) but not particularly in the post-partum periods. Sensitivity to caffeine, related to its actions at the Adenosine A2 receptor, appears to be genetically determined and modulated by a common polymorphism (Urry and Landolt, 2015). Table 3. The data for LAI risperidone is consistent in being positive for preventing mania, not depression (Quiroz et al., 2010; Vieta et al., 2012). The NICE guideline on borderline personality disorder ( understandably addresses the stigmatization and barriers to treatment of this patient group. There are no specific treatments for rapid cycling. The more usual emphasis is on tell-tale signs and symptoms of relapse; this may take the form of particular impulses and preoccupations which accompany or even precede it. A longer list of possible contributory factors emerges from a broad review of the literature (Pompili et al., 2013); the contribution of individual risks is poorly quantified and many are likely to be confounded. This is important because risk may be underestimated in bipolar patients. DSM-5 criteria provide the appropriate schema for diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder. Recent further fractionation of clinical services, for example between in and out patients, ‘assessment’ and ‘treatment’, is a recent concern. Unfortunately, there is a real dearth of placebo-controlled trials on which to make an evidence-based recommendation. On the other hand, drug withdrawal effects may also trigger an excess of true cases of early relapse compared with untreated patients. If I had to guess, I’d say glutamate will be big in upcoming treatments. There are important differences in metabolic impact between different dopamine antagonist drugs, and quetiapine appears to lie towards the more problematic end of the spectrum (Leucht et al., 2013). It can be argued that ECT should be considered especially in cases of delirious mania, since this may be a medical emergency when accompanied by fever, dehydration, and autonomic dysfunction and in treatment of resistant mixed states (Medda et al., 2015). This is compounded by heterogeneous rates of recruitment and associated with heterogeneous results across sites in multi-centre trials. In the absence of independent evidence of benefit and from appropriate trials in such children, the extrapolation could not be encouraged. One option is to provide a formal group course, the efficacy of which was shown in a RCT (II, (Colom et al., 2003)). Moreover, psychotherapy trials may be particularly subject to allegiance bias. These negative findings appeared paradoxical when relapse prevention studies were positive (see below) (Goodwin et al., 2004). Lurasidone also prevents relapse to depression. Because of the high risk of relapse and the apparent progression to more frequent episodes, long-term treatment with appropriate medicines is advocated from as early in the illness course as is acceptable to a patient and their family (S).

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