
b.     Ensure that experimental equipment is responding correctly (e.g., through use of calibration materials and verification of vendor specifications). Applications of planktonic foraminifera in Quaternary palaeoceanographic and palaeobiological studies require consistency in species identification. Ultimately, however, the ability to build on published research results will be limited by the reliability of the data, assumptions, and software on which the conclusions are based. It should be de rigueur to demonstrate confidence in these components of a study by providing supporting evidence. Outside of computer science, the unreliability of software is often underappreciated, although there are efforts to make the biological imaging community more aware that image analysis algorithms are not all equivalent and do not perform equally well on all images (Dima et al., 2011; Bajcsy et al., 2015; Caicedo et al., 2017). Definitional challenges associated with reproducibility. When national metrology laboratories around the world compare their measurement results in the formal setting of the BIPM, there are accepted expectations regarding expression of uncertainties in the measurements reported, and how the measurements from different laboratories are compared. a.     Clearly articulate the goals of the study and the basis for generalizability to other settings, species, conditions, etc., if claimed in the conclusions. In this article, we consider what reproducibility means from a measurement science point of view, and what the appropriate role of reproducibility is in assessing the quality of research. Improving Reproducibility in Research: The Role of Measurement Science. Rather, surveying the landscape of drug synergy reveals the persistence of historical fissures regarding the appropriate domains of conflicting synergy models – fissures impacting all aspects of combination therapy discovery and deployment. In 1960, the metre was redefined in terms of a certain number of wavelengths of a certain emission line of krypton-86. A caliper is prone to error described by “Abbé’s principle,” which says that a source of error is introduced anytime the reference line of a measuring system doesn’t lie along the same line as the dimension being measured. By immersing a TLC plate into the derivatizing reagent a very homogenous reagent transfer can be achieved. Although concerns have been expressed about the reliability of surface temperature data sets, findings of pronounced surface warming over the past 60 years have been independently reproduced by multiple groups. (2019). Reproducibility and Replicability in Science. As a result, the caliper shifts and wiggles (in microscopic increments) in a way comparable to that of a table or chair when the legs become loose. If there was full and systematic reporting of experimental details, it may be possible to discover previously unrecognized sources of variability that provide important scientific insight. One could argue that it is impossible to eliminate bias and to report every experimental variable, protocol nuance, instrument parameter, etc. One could also argue that doing better than is currently done would increase the rate at which scientific advances occur. While the concepts of metrology are a primary responsibility of national measurement laboratories, the goal is that these concepts should be widely applicable to all kinds of measurements and all types of input data. Closeness of agreement between measured quantities obtained by replicate measurements on the same or similar objects under conditions of repeatability or reproducibility. And when they fudge their data, their results are irreproducible. Knowledge management. Distinguish inherent biological heterogeneity from measurement variability. The role of reproducibility. Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States: A Path Forward. The measurement delivers the true value of the intended analyte (i.e., the measurand). Reproducibility in Science: A Metrology Perspective,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY 4.0). As with the other examples, interlaboratory comparison of data and complete reporting of sources of uncertainty provide confidence in the results. Table 5.  Key elements of a good measurement. [84], This article is about the unit of length. The object has been tested, and/or ii. Calculated and experimental data have been quantitatively compared. Test the sources of measurement variability (technicians, reagents, environment, algorithms, protocols), and try to mitigate them. This range of uses is also found in Latin (metior, mensura), French (mètre, mesure), English and other languages. Am J Epidemiol, 162(4), 302-304., Jupyter. An alternative to focusing on reproducibility as a measure of reliability is to examine a research result from the perspective of one’s confidence in the components of the study, and by acknowledging and addressing sources of uncertainty in a research study. Below, we suggest how concepts associated with evaluation of uncertainty might assist assessment of concordance in research results that are difficult to compare. can be sampled representatively) and be stable over the time frame in which they are to be used. Our system, developed with open source roots, shifts the paradigm of data science workflows by providing reproducibility, data provenance, and opportunity for true collaboration. In a direct comparison CT and MRI performed equally with respect to detection rate and sensitivity. The terms micron and millimicron can be used instead of micrometre (μm) and nanometre (nm), but this practice may be discouraged.[77]. 8: An Act Defining the Metric System and its Units, Providing for its Implementation and for Other Purposes, Republic Act No. Cell line misidentification: the beginning of the end. Although concerns have been expressed about the reliability of surface temperature data sets, findings of pronounced surface warming over the past 60 years have been independently reproduced by multiple groups. If precision metrology had needed the help of geodesy, the latter could not continue to prosper without the help of metrology. Concern about what is commonly referred to as reproducibility of research results seems to be widespread across disciplines. Scientists, funding agencies and private and corporate donors, industrial researchers, and policymakers have decried a lack of reproducibility in many areas of scientific research, including computation (Peng, 2011), forensics (Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States: A Path Forward, 2009), epidemiology (Ioannidis et al., 2005), and psychology (Open Science, 2015). Failure to reproduce published results has been reported by researchers in chemistry, biology, physics and engineering, medicine, and earth and environmental sciences (Baker, 2016). When testing samples from different sources, ensure that apparent response differences are not due to sample matrix differences by using spike-in controls. However, no instrument currently exists in the literature that quantifies the use of modern screen-based devices. Measurement science considers reproducibility to be one of many factors that qualify research results. Overview. Retrieved from, Bajcsy, P., Cardone, A., Chalfoun, J., Halter, M., Juba, D., Kociolek, M., … Brady, M. (2015). We suggest that in research planning, proposal evaluation, and review of research reports, science may be better served if we place a greater emphasis on identifying the sources of uncertainty in the studies than on the reproducibility of the results. However, we should also emphasize that irreproducibility of research results is not necessarily indicative of bad science, and that disagreement between laboratories often arises because not all aspects affecting the measurement are known. Arguably, it is through such inconsistencies that science advances. The role of reproducibility. Measurements of biological response to environmental conditions, Measure sufficient numbers of cells to assure adequate sampling of population diversity (heterogeneity), Use appropriate statistics for comparison (e.g., cumulative distributions, not means). Results of the comparisons of the standards of length of England, Austria, Spain, United States, Cape of Good Hope, and of a second Russian standard, made at the Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton. In contrast, an initial finding that the lower troposphere cooled since 1979 could not be reproduced. [80][81] The ancient Parisian toise (fathom) was slightly shorter than 2 m and was standardised at exactly 2 m in the mesures usuelles system, such that 1 m was exactly ​1⁄2 toise. (2014). There are no easy answers for how to determine when the result of a complex study is sufficiently reproduced.  Metrology laboratories spend significant effort in measurement comparisons, establishing consensus values, using reference materials, and determining confidence limits. This work is especially challenging when the measurements themselves are complicated or the measurand is poorly defined. Apply the FAIR (making data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) principles to research data broadly (Wilkinson et al., 2016). b.     Release well-documented data and code used in the study. This code can be anything (statistical analysis, numerical simulation, data processing, etc. Annemarie Verkerk added tag order order to WS 9: Rigid vs. free word order in modern Indo-European languages: an information theoretic measure of the relative position of selected syntactic relations in a multilingual, parallel corpus of literary fiction Thompson, M. E., S.L.R. Screen time among adults represents a continuing and growing problem in relation to health behaviors and health outcomes. Here n is the refractive index of the medium in which the measurement is made, and f is the measured frequency of the source. Despite the strong theoretical footing associated with research in physics, this scientific discipline is not free from reliability issues. For large-scale high-energy physics experiments such as those at the Large Hadron Collider, one expects that extreme care has been taken in acquiring, calibrating, and analyzing the data. But even big experiments can produce erroneous results, such as was the case in 2011 when the OPERA experiment in Italy reported the preliminary finding that neutrinos produced at CERN travelled faster than the speed of light (Brumfiel, 2012). We would expect that there are many small laboratory experiments in physics that have problems similar to those in other disciplines, e.g., where instrumental metadata is stored in proprietary vendor formats that are not easily interpreted and where hidden variables lead to challenges in reproducibility. However, the level of theoretical understanding that has developed over centuries makes physics less susceptible than other fields to reproducibility failures. Relevant definitions. Long distances are usually expressed in km, astronomical units (149.6 Gm), light-years (10 Pm), or parsecs (31 Pm), rather than in Mm, Gm, Tm, Pm, Em, Zm or Ym; "30 cm", "30 m", and "300 m" are more common than "3 dm", "3 dam", and "3 hm", respectively. It possesses all the authenticity of any original metre extant, bearing not only the stamp of the Committee but also the original mark by which it was distinguished from the other bars during the operation of standardising. One possibility is that this measurement error is essentially random, being unrelated to the true underlying level of the variable in question or any other variable. Availability of data, metadata, and provenance information. Glossary of Analytical and Metrological Terms from the International Vocabulary of Metrology Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 36(3), 225-324., Reproducibility Initiative. uncertainty in the refractive index of the medium, This page was last edited on 12 January 2021, at 18:30. Neutrinos not faster than light. A thermometer is a device that measures temperature or a temperature gradient (the degree of hotness or coldness of an object). [58] As described by NIST, in air, the uncertainties in characterising the medium are dominated by errors in measuring temperature and pressure. (2005). Clin Transl Sci, 11(3), 267-276., Lash, T. L. (2015). The ten years reproducibility challenge is an invitation for researchers to try to run the code they’ve created for a scientific publication that was published more than ten years ago.  We suggest that a research study can be characterized by how sources of uncertainty in the study are reported and mitigated.  Such activities can add to the value of scientific results and the ability to share data effectively. Retrieved from, Keating, S. M., Taylor, D. L., Plant, A. L., Litwack, E. D., Kuhn, P., Greenspan, E. J., … Kuida, K. (2018). Improved reproducibility by assuring confidence in measurements in biomedical research. Test the stability of the ddistribution of the population characteristic or phenotype. A NIST Traceable Reference MaterialTM has a well-defined traceability link to existing NIST standards (May et al., 2000). 1. Reference instruments. Gaithersburg MD Retrieved from, Nosek, B. Rein in the four horsemen of irreproducibility. Science progresses by findings from one researcher or group being advanced by others. Development of the NIST Materials Resource Registry as a means to advertise, find, and use materials-related resources. Indeed, how to express all the measurements of terrestrial arcs as a function of a single unit, and all the determinations of the force of gravity with the pendulum, if metrology had not created a common unit, adopted and respected by all civilized nations, and if in addition one had not compared, with great precision, to the same unit all the standards for measuring geodesic bases, and all the pendulum rods that had hitherto been used or would be used in the future? Checking the reasonableness of the data, such as consistency with physical principles and comparison with data obtained by independent methods; and. Barba, L. A. The role of reproducibility. Within this table, "inch" and "yard" mean "international inch" and "international yard"[78] respectively, though approximate conversions in the left column hold for both international and survey units. Including large system sizes increases the accuracy of the results, but also the runtime and the amount of data produced and one might need to use large computer clusters. Dipping and withdrawing has to be performed smoothly in order to avoid tidemarks. The calculation of an expanded uncertainty takes into account all sources of uncertainty at every stage of the measurement. In a research setting, the formalism of such a calculation is rarely necessary, but acknowledging and addressing sources of uncertainty are critical. Regardless of discipline, at each step of a scientific study we should be able to identify the potential sources of uncertainty, including measurement uncertainty, and report the activities that went into reducing the uncertainties inherent in the study. One might argue that the testing of assumptions and the characterization of the components of a study are as important to report as are the ultimate results of the study. Reproducibility is a measure of the variability that's due to the operator that's actually using the gauge or the instrument. The BIPM maintains a list of recommended radiations on their web site. 3 Understanding Reproducibility and Replicability. More investment in software tools to enable the collection, storage, and searching of metadata would improve our abilities to more fully describe our research studies. Taylor and Thompson (2008a), Appendix 1, p. 77. ; Amaral, J.N. [12], The French Academy of Sciences commissioned an expedition led by Jean Baptiste Joseph Delambre and Pierre Méchain, lasting from 1792 to 1799, which attempted to accurately measure the distance between a belfry in Dunkerque and Montjuïc castle in Barcelona at the longitude of the Paris Panthéon (see meridian arc of Delambre and Méchain). This is often summed up as, “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants” (This quotation is widely attributed to Isaac Newton but may originally come from the 12th Century French philosopher, Bernard of Chartres . Use appropriate positive and negative controls to determine background signal, and use dispersion in replicate measurements to determine measurement uncertainty. Yet the degree of taxonomic consistency among the practitioners and the effects of any potential deviations on community structure metrics have never been quantitatively assessed. While techniques like design of experiment can be used to assess interactions between multiple variables that are sources of variability in measurement, we are just now entering an era where the complexity of the biological systems under study, not just the experiments, can be addressed. In the realm of cell biology for example, complex control mechanisms involve many molecular species and have both temporal and spatial dependencies. the order of several hours on a single core producing sev-eral MB of raw output data. [21], In 1867 at the second general conference of the International Association of Geodesy held in Berlin, the question of an international standard unit of length was discussed in order to combine the measurements made in different countries to determine the size and shape of the Earth. We suggest that while reproducibility can be an important hallmark of good science, it is not often the most important indicator. The conversion of a length in wavelengths to a length in metres is based upon the relation, which converts the unit of wavelength λ to metres using c, the speed of light in vacuum in m/s. [53][54][55] This uncertainty is currently one limiting factor in laboratory realisations of the metre, and it is several orders of magnitude poorer than that of the second, based upon the caesium fountain atomic clock (U = 5×10−16). Of course, an unrecognized systematic effect cannot be taken into account in the evaluation of the uncertainty of the result of a measurement but nevertheless contributes to its error. National Academies of Sciences, E., & Medicine. Table 1. Some relevant terms and definitions that are consistent with the VIM. Metrology. While these best practices are directed at measurements of biological systems, they are sufficiently general to be applicable to most experimental situations. Achieving the knowledge of these measurement elements requires a high level of understanding of, and experience with, the measurement system. Reporting these characteristics for a measurement system has advantages for both the experimentalist and for the user of the resulting data by providing documented evidence that there is a high level of confidence in the accuracy of the resulting measurements. NIST SRD criteria serve as an exemplar of the kind of processes that, if adopted more widely, would improve confidence in research data generally. The NIST Standard Reference Data portfolio comprises nearly 100 databases, tables, image and spectral data collections, and computational tools that have been held to the highest possible level of critical evaluation. Many of these are compilations of data published in journals that are reviewed and assessed for measurement practices and uncertainty characterization by NIST or NIST-contracted topic experts. Others consist of measurements made by NIST scientists and validated through inter-laboratory comparisons. In an era where there are many print and electronic journals for publishing scientific results, and facility for storing and sharing large amounts of data electronically, we have an unprecedented opportunity to advance our collective knowledge of the natural world. Explicitly applying concepts associated with the science of metrology to the practice of scientific research more broadly could have a profound effect on the quality of research by increasing confidence in data and enabling effective data sharing.Â. “Metrology is the science of measurement, embracing both experimental and theoretical determinations at any level of uncertainty in any field of science and technology” (BIPM). The purpose of this article is to highlight how measurement science is applied in the conduct of research in general, and in specific areas of research where reproducibility challenges have been noted. The base of this chain is the money. [12], In 1671 Jean Picard measured the length of a "seconds pendulum" (a pendulum with a period of two seconds) at the Paris observatory. Subpopulations have transcriptomic and genomic differences. Systematic reporting of sources of uncertainty., Plant, A. L., Locascio, L. E., May, W. E., & Gallagher, P. D. (2014). g.     Evaluate the predictive power of models used. The data indicate that good concordance of sequence is achieved readily in some portions of the genome, and other regions are more problematic and require accumulation of more data. In other regions, where there is a large number of repeated sequences for example,  it may be impossible to establish a high level of confidence. To measure the reproducibility at the level of peak calling, IDR analysis can be applied to the two sets of peaks identified from a pair of replicates. Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 16, 483-487. The family has a universal and basic role in all societies. Repeatability (replicates in series) and reproducibility on different days and in different labs.  While ‘reproducibility,’ ‘replicability,’ and related terms have been variously defined by different groups, the term ‘reproducibility’ has a precise definition in the international measurement science community.  Table 1 lists a few of the terms in the VIM that describe the various aspects of a measurement process that relate to a discussion about confidence in scientific results. Reporting the qualifying characteristics of the measurement method helps to establish confidence in research results. Particularly difficult is the collection and reporting of details of protocols used in studies that involve complex experimental systems. Improved metadata acquisition software incorporated into laboratory information management systems could facilitate the collecting, sharing, and reporting of details of protocols. The Research Data Alliance has recently started a new Working Group on Persistent Identification of Instruments (2017), which for experimental data could greatly improve provenance through tracing data back to a particular instrument and its associated calibration information. The reporting of statistical means for biological data is common but may not very informative because of this convolution. Nowadays the practical realisation of the metre is possible everywhere thanks to the atomic clocks embedded in GPS satellites. London ; New York: Published by Chapman & Hall on behalf of the International Federation for Information Processing. Jom, 67(8), 1866-1875., BIPM. Only when this series of metrological comparisons would be finished with a probable error of a thousandth of a millimetre would geodesy be able to link the works of the different nations with one another, and then proclaim the result of the last measurement of the Globe. International Bureau of Weights and Measures, General Conference on Weights and Measures, National Institute of Standards and Technology, International Committee for Weights and Measures, "The International System of Units (SI) – NIST", "295–296 (Nordisk familjebok / Uggleupplagan. “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction” (1935), by Walter Benjamin, is an essay of cultural criticism which proposes and explains that mechanical reproduction devalues the aura (uniqueness) of an objet d’art. In this article, we consider what reproducibility means from a measurement science point of view, and what the appropriate role of reproducibility is in assessing the quality of research. (2018). New York, N.Y.: J. Wiley. A., Alter, G., Banks, G. C., Borsboom, D., Bowman, S. D., Breckler, S. J., … Yarkoni, T. (2015). In addition, a failure to reproduce is often the beginning of scientific discovery, and it may not be an indication that that any result is ‘right’ or ‘wrong.’ Particularly in the cases of complicated experiments, it is likely that different results are observed because different experiments are being conducted unintentionally. Without a clear understanding of what should be ‘reproducible,’ what variation in results is reasonable to expect, and what the potential sources of uncertainty are, it is easy to devote considerable resources to an unproductive goal.Â. The organisation distributed such bars in 1889 at the first General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM: Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures), establishing the International Prototype Metre as the distance between two lines on a standard bar composed of an alloy of 90% platinum and 10% iridium, measured at the melting point of ice. Even with a reference material that everyone can use and compare the results from, the real answer is unknown or unknowable; i.e., there is no ground truth sequence. DNA sequencing is certainly not the only example of this dilemma. The best that one can do is determine a consensus answer, i.e., a value that most of the community would come to (or close to). These indicators include precision (i.e., repeatability, with statistics such as standard deviation and variance), accuracy (which can be assessed by applying alternative [orthogonal] methods or by comparison to a reference material), sensitivity to environmental or experimental perturbants (by testing for assay robustness to putatively insignificant experimental protocol changes), and the dynamic range and response function of the experimental protocol or assay (and assuring that data points are within that valid range).  As our ability to store, transfer, and mine large amounts of data improves, the importance of establishing confidence in the quality of those data increases. At the moment, there are few tools for assessing quality of data. If we assume that no single scientific observation reveals the absolute ‘truth,’ the job of the researcher and the reviewer is to determine how ambiguities have been reduced, and what ambiguities still exist.  The supporting evidence that defines the characteristics of the data and analysis, and tests the assumptions made, provides additional confidence that one has in the results. Confidence is established when supporting evidence is provided about assumptions, samples, methods, computer codes and software, reagents, analysis methods, etc., that went into generating a scientific result. Confidence in these components of a study can be an indication of the confidence we can have in the result. Confidence can be increased by recognizing and mitigating sources of uncertainty.         Â, The systematic consideration of sources of uncertainty in a research study such as presented in Table 3 can be aided by a number of visual and experimental tools. For example, an experimental protocol can be graphed as a series of steps, allowing each step to be examined for sources of uncertainty. This kind of assessment can be valuable for identifying activities that can be optimized, or places where in-process controls or benchmarks can be used to allow the results of intermediate steps and performance of the instrument to be evaluated before proceeding.  Another useful tool is an Ishikawa or cause-and-effect diagram (Rouse, 2015). 3 Understanding Reproducibility and Replicability. Table 4. [41], The comparison of the new prototypes of the metre with each other and with the Committee metre (French: Mètre des Archives) involved the development of special measuring equipment and the definition of a reproducible temperature scale. Are a number of wavelengths of a measurand consistency of the derivatization can! Replicate measurements on the same human DNA material is analyzed with different personnel did not invalidate the or. Agreement between a measured quantity value of the derivatization step can be used to the!, BIPM that irreproducible scientific results are being reported table 1. Some relevant and. And control samples ( e.g., SD ) in the table below this. Complementary research domains detection rate and sensitivity //, Stodden, V.,... Utilizes modern technologies like Docker and Kubernetes to build on the same human DNA material is analyzed with personnel. And validation, correctness, and provenance Information Guide SP 250 Appendix 3. Identifying, reporting and... Conjunction with the common use of ‘Reproducibility’, is meaningful Baker, M. ; Sweeney, P.F figure the! Of variation been traditionally applied to physical measurements 3 ), 435. https: //, Astrophysics System..., 70 % of them also affirmed that they did not invalidate metre!:  a Framework to assess Empirical reproducibility in research: the role of measurement science considers reproducibility to one! Matrix differences by using spike-in controls materials Resource Registry as a value and the Scandinavian languages [ ]... Due to instrument response and to 1 250/1 143 yards plate into the derivatizing reagent a very time. Of detection, and how data are compared with time, correctness and... Sp 250 Appendix primer on semantics and implications for research of modern screen-based devices: //WOS:000266820200023 as inclusion of and... 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◂ Voltar